

The average person’s understanding of probiotics is that they’re just good for digestion.

That’s true…Probiotics DO help break down certain sugars and fibers and enhance digestion.

And that’s just the beginning…

You see, the 4 pounds or so of beneficial bacteria nestled in your gut make up between 75-80% of your immune system…and your immune system affects your health from head to toe.

When it’s working properly, it can keep you feeling great and fight infections, viruses and diseases without breaking a sweat.

When it’s not, well, not only are you more susceptible to illness, but you also run the risk of allergies, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders!

Here are some examples of how probiotics and your immune system affect you, far away from your intestinal tract:

Autoimmune disease

This is your immune system going haywire and attacking your healthy cells.

Autoimmune disease can take many forms, including Type I diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, Graves’ disease, psoriasis, Crohn’s disease and colitis, to name a few.

Normally, your immune system’s Regulatory T cells should “shut down” any overzealous immune response and stop or prevent the inflammation.

But with when you have an autoimmune disease, they fail to do their job and the inflammation gets worse and worse.

But probiotics can be a huge help with autoimmune disease.

You see, when your body makes immune cells (called T cells) it can create 2 different types — Helper T cells and Regulatory T cells.

Helper T cells are like border patrol, on the lookout for dangerous invaders. Once they detect a threat, they quickly multiply themselves and attack.

Regulatory T cells, on the other hand, stop inflammation and keep innocent tissues safe.

Typically the decision of whether a T cell becomes Helper or Regulatory takes place in your gut.

And a healthy population of probiotics in your gut helps to encourage more Regulatory T cell formation, which means more cells for your body to naturally fight inflammation.
Cardiovascular disease

This is an example of your immune system going overboard with inflammation.

You see, a major cause of cardiovascular disease is inflammation that leads to narrowing of blood vessels.

Here’s what happens:

Let’s say your arteries sustain damage from something such as an injury, infection or even from harmful bacteria. When this happens, your immune system sends droves of white blood cells to the area to help with healing.

As part of their healing efforts, the white blood cells create inflammation, and these inflamed areas pull cholesterol from your blood…sort of like using glue to repair a broken dish.

However, if the immune system goes overboard, the cholesterol accumulates too much in the inflamed area. Eventually the blood vessel begins to narrow and can completely close.

But probiotics can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease from BOTH inflammation AND high cholesterol.

Because probiotics support the development of regulatory T cells in your immune system, which help reduce overzealous immune responses throughout your body like those mentioned above.

Plus, probiotics help reduce blood cholesterol by creating acids that slow cholesterol production, by breaking down bile acids so your liver needs to use up cholesterol to make more, and by actually eating cholesterol!


This is where your immune system reacts in a crazy way to something that should be harmless, like cat dander or pollen.

You see, typically your body uses enzymes to “digest” things like pet dander or pollen.

These enzymes break down the protein molecules in the allergen into amino acids. Once they have been turned into amino acids, your body can deal with them and there’s no risk of an allergic reaction.

This efficient process can only run properly if you have enough of the right kinds of enzymes, though.

And if you don’t, well, you have allergies.

But probiotics can help because they actually manufacture enzymes to help your body fight allergens.

As you can see, it’s vitally important to keep your immune system smart AND strong. Because when it’s working, it’s great, but when it’s not…all hell can break loose.

The best way to do that is to make sure that 80% of your immune system — your gut’s population of probiotics — are healthy and able to protect you…Not just in your digestive tract, but from head to toe.

In addition to a healthy diet and reducing stress, the best way to keep your population of probiotics healthy and strong is to take a daily supplement like Super Shield just before meals or on an empty stomach


Most members of the medical profession take a REactive or “wait and see” approach to diverticulitis, meaning they address an attack only after it occurs — typically with medications, surgery or both.

What this means is that the life of a diverticulosis sufferer is downright SCARY.

After all, they live each day wondering if today is the day they will get that horrible pain again that brings them to their knees and in to see the guys with knives.

Where will I be if it happens? Will anyone be there to help? Will I need to get some of my colon taken out this time?

Or the very worst: What if there is an intestinal rupture that puts my life in jeopardy?

VERY scary indeed.

But here’s some comforting news:

What can alleviate the concern of a diverticulitis attack is taking a PROactive approach…

As in, preventing attacks from occurring to begin with.

Preventing diverticulitis

To prevent a diverticulitis attack you need to address what causes it to begin with:

Poor, incomplete digestion and harmful bacteria overgrowth.

Bad digestion is the culprit that leads to the waste build-up, constipation and pressure that causes the colon “bulges” that characterize diverticulosis.

And the harmful bacteria that fester in a colon lined with wastes and toxins is what can lead to an infection in one or more of the bulges–in other words, diverticuLOSIS turns to diverticuLITIS.

The good news is it is amazingly easy to to improve your digestion and beef up your population of beneficial bacteria. You just need the right advice and direction.

And that’s why I’m here.

The path to avoiding diverticulitis attacks

Efficient digestion is accomplished by simply eating delicious foods spiced up right in combinations that allow your stomach to break down easier, and making sure you get a fair balance of the alkaline foods that your body needs to function as it should.

I show you exactly what to do in the best-selling digestive health system.

Note: it’s the best-selling digestive health system of all time!

I spell everything out for you in a kind of paint-by-numbers system. Plus, you get pain-free meal planning guides, a recipe book filled with mouth-watering dishes (not one bad recipe in it — not one) and even a credit-card sized restaurant guide so you don’t blow it when you dine out.

Diet alone may not be enough

And to ensure that you have a healthy population of beneficial bacteria, it’s important to have a healthy diet AND take a high quality probiotic.

You see, a healthy diet isn’t always enough to ensure proper intestinal flora balance because too many factors other than diet can encourage harmful bacteria overgrowth — like stress, lack of sleep, medications and the thousands of environmental toxins you are exposed to daily…to name a few.

Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula helps to support the aim of keeping your intestines from becoming infected.

Studies show that taking a wide variety of probiotic strains is most effective, since each individual strain has its own “specialty” in terms of how it enhances your health.

Super Shield has 13 of the most feisty, potent beneficial bacteria strains that will take up residence in your intestinal tract, help digest your foods, keep your gut wall strong and most importantly, keep the harmful bacteria in check.
Thousands of people have said goodbye to diverticulitis for good with Great Taste No Pain and Super Shield.


It’s estimated that constipation affects more than 65 million people in the US alone, and annual laxative sales are over $1 billion.

To handle our demand for relief is 700 different varieties of OTC and prescription laxatives. 700!

Obviously they are not the answer. Because if any of them worked well without “issues,” would we need so many?

Another, better question is why are we so blocked up to begin with?

The answer is twofold:

1- Eating for constipation

The typical “modern” diet most people have is VERY hard to digest. The human body was not designed to ingest most of the crap you see on grocery store shelves. 99% of that stuff can be categorized as waste.

Hey, I just thought of a new product… “Tasty Wasties!”

And what they create on the way out is “Nasty Wasties!”  As in toxic.

When most of your foods are forced to sit in your stomach for for hours, causing your stomach to overproduce acid just to break them down, but they still aren’t like they should be, the end products of digestion (your feces) get hard and don’t move along like they’re supposed to…

…and you get pain, gas, bloating and grunting (oh, and sometimes hemorrhoids too). And nasty, hard bowel movements.

It matters not that you’ve tried a “magic bullet” like an apple, prunes or some other high fiber food.

Because when the vast majority of what you eat can’t be digested properly, those prunes are useless and usually just add to your gas emissions.

So out come the big guns…

The laxatives.

But that’s only a temporary fix. Sure, nature might call pretty quickly afterward, but you’re doing nothing to address the main underlying cause of your constipation.

And that can lead to…
2- Laxative overuse

When you use laxatives to have bowel movements, things may seem fine at first…

But all the while you’re weakening your intestinal muscles so they are less able to work like they should to move wastes along.

So this eventually makes your constipation even WORSE.

And you can become dependent on laxatives…some people are SO dependent that they can’t have a bowel movement without them!

That’s what was happening to Roxanne. The laxatives did the trick at first, but now her body was dependent on them and her intestinal muscles were getting “lazy.”

That’s why she was able to down enough laxatives to choke a horse and STILL didn’t go.
Ending constipation without medication

If you want REAL, long-lasting constipation relief without laxatives, then you need to get to the bottom (no pun intended) of your constipation.

It’s easy to do.

It’s not as simple as just eating more fiber, fruits and veggies.

A lot of people have tried that. A lot have failed.

You also MUST eat foods that play nice together in your stomach.

When you do, your foods are broken down like they need to be when they enter the intestines. Plus, the alkaline foods you’ve eaten provide added water and fiber to help move things along.

Result: Normal, easy, regular bowel movements. No grunting.

And no more money spent on expensive & dangerous laxatives.

When you follow my advice in the Great Taste No Pain health system, eating to end constipation is a breeze.

In the Great Taste No Pain manuals, I spell out EXACTLY what you should eat with each kind of food, so your wastes will exit “stage rear.”

I’ll show you which foods are acid-forming and which are alkaline, so you’ll know the important “anti-constipation” foods to be sure to include in your diet.  You’ll know what to eat with what…nothing is left out.

And for you cooks, the recipe book is loaded with mouth-watering, gourmet tasting yet easy to make recipes that will make your tongue dance.
Don’t forget the little guys

Not only does constipation make you bloated, gassy and miserable, but having a bunch of “poop” stuck in your intestines also wreaks havoc on your intestinal flora.

This leads to a vicious cycle because, since the friendly bacteria in your intestines help with digestion, when they’re overcome by harmful bacteria they can’t do their job.

And your constipation gets even WORSE.

Harmful bacteria overgrowth also compromises your immune system, making you susceptible to every bug and virus around, and weakens your gut wall so toxins can seep into your bloodstream and cause pain and inflammation.

Your Questions About [heartburn]

Nancy asks…

Food Combining Recipes?

How to I eat well, lose weight, and help my mind body and spirit feel great?

Question: I am trying to be a healthy person but it isn’t always easy. I am looking for food combining recipes that will combine the right food while still providing nourishment. I am tired of feeling sluggish and over full after I eat meals. How can I achieve weight loss while feeling healthy and strong at the same time?

Nutritionatlast answers:

The answer to your question is an easy one. Food combining recipes will help you to lose weight, feel better, and still provide you the nourishment needed to feel strong. Food combining is not a diet but a lasting form of nourishment and will cause an important change in your nutritional habits. Your meals won’t feel like lead in your stomach, the heartburn will fade away, your digestive tract will run smoother and you’ll feel lighter. Food combining recipes will allow you to eat what you want, as much as you as long as you don’t combine carbohydrates with protein. In food combining recipes there are three types of foods: protein, neutral, and carbohydrate foods. You may combine proteins like milk, cooked meat, and fruits with neutral foods such as milk products, vegetables, and coffee. You may also combine those neutral foods with carbohydrates like potatoes, cereals, and grain products but you cannot mix proteins and carbohydrates together. By understanding the science you will be on your way to a better you…inside and out.

Here are a couple of good resources:
There is a good printable chart there too.

Michael asks…

Has anyone heard of ‘food combining’? If so, I’m looking for suggested books/recipes with respect to this.?

Nutritionatlast answers:

Here is information on it:

Here are the charts and which foods to combine:

Here are books:

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Your Questions About [heartburn]

Donald asks…

Is there any DAILY acid reflux medication safe to taking during pregnancy?

I have HORRIBLE G.E.R.D. (acid comes up and feels like I can’t swallow)
Since my husband and I are trying to for baby #1, I’m worried what effects my current pill will have on the baby till I find out.
So as the question asks: Is there any DAILY acid reflux medication safe to taking during pregnancy?

Nutritionatlast answers:

I have been having horrible heartburn since my baby dropped about a week ago. I asked my doc about it today and she said I could take just about anything. She gave me a script for Zantac 150. Just make sure you talk to a doc about it before you take anything especially in early pregnancy.

Robert asks…

When you put your infant on acid reflux medication?

When you put your infant on acid reflux medication does it just stop the pain or does it help the spiting up part to my pediatrician said the med only helps the pain and doesn’t make the spiting up stop.

Nutritionatlast answers:

Just think about when You take something for acid reflux or heartburn. It help’s the pain. Also, i’ve had it to the point where i’ve wanted to vomit and i’ve found it helped with that. The medication should help your little one from spitting up as often and with the pain. Its going to be a trial thing. Good luck and hope your little one gets better.

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