
Top 10 Super Foods – Nutrition Facts

Top 10 Super Foods

OK,  maybe the thought of being stranded on an island and having the Top 10 Super Foods in your knapsack is a bit far fetched.  So let’s just say that in your shopping cart, your pantry and refrigerator, you always want to have these around.  Many of them are on several different Top 10 lists, from anti-oxidants, to good fats, to alkaline forming to high fiber and high protein.  With regular use, you’ll come to regard them as staples.  In no particular order:

  • Nuts – are great for nutrition.  They’re all good, but 3 of the best are almonds, walnuts and pecans.  They have fiber, protein and Omega 3 fatty acids, the good fats.  Eat them raw, unroasted and unsalted for best results.
  • Ionized water – the ‘ionized’ part is still open to debate, but here are the reasons to use it over tap water, bottled water or distilled water: the body needs lots of good water to carry contaminants away, ionized water is alkaline, the bad chemicals are gone, like chlorine and fluoride, and good minerals remain, in contrast to distilled water where everything is gone.
  • Whole grains – wheat, barley, oats, rye and quinoa.  Good sources of dietary fiber, Iron, some protein and they help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol.
  • Berries – they’re all very good for you, but especially blueberries.  You’ll get tons of antioxidants.  Remember pomegranates.
  • Cruciferous vegetables – mmm, broccoli (the star), arugula, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, cabbages, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radish, rapini, rutabaga, turnips and watercress.  Lots of choices.
  • Dark greens – the super hero here is spinach.  Eat lots of it!  But, other heavy hitters are romaine, beet greens and red cabbage – even lettuce.  Good sources of fiber, folate and a wide range of cancer-fighting carotenoids.
  • Fish – cold water, such as wild salmon. Great Omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Beans – legumes, peas, soy, and lentils.  Also known as pulses.  Abundant proteins, fiber, saponins (enhances nutrient absorption).
  • EVOO – extra virgin olive oil.  Cook with it.  Put it on salads, etc.  This is the good way to get oiled up.
  • Green Tea – drink lots.  Potent antioxidants and anti-cancer.

Congratulations!  You made it to the bonus round.  Now that you’re making sure that the shopping always includes the Top 10 Super Foods, let’s pick up a few other items that are key to healthy digestion and vitality:

  • Omega 3 fatty acids – I know, the words ‘fatty acids’ don’t sound so good in this discussion, but trust me, you need these.  If you’re not getting enough cold water fish like salmon, or walnuts or flaxseeds, consider a supplement.
  • Probiotics – the Good bacteria for your gut.  If you’re not aware of where these little guys hang out, try:  kefir, kimchi, miso, pickled ginger, pickles (brine-cured, without vinegar), sauerkraut, shoyu, tamari and tempeh.  Remember to get un-pasteurized.  Supplements abound here, but potency and efficacy vary widely.  Shop carefully.
  • Vitamin D – is not naturally available in many foods so we must make an extra effort to get it.  Good sources are: cod liver oil, salmon and mackerel.  Again, if you’re not eating much fish, you might consider a supplement.

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