

GERD -causes, symptoms and treatment

Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which the liquid contents in the stomach leak upwards into the esophagus. This action causes an irritation or slight inflammation in the esophagus leading to heartburn and other symptoms.

Causes of GERD:
Generally the food consumed passes from throat to stomach through the swallowing tube or food pipe called esophagus. This esophagus contains a ring of muscle fibers called sphincter at the end which prevents the food that entered stomach from coming backwards. When these sphincters fail to close properly it provides way for a mixture of some food particles, liquid contents and stomach acids to move upwards into the esophagus. This is called reflux or gastro esophageal reflux and can even damage esophagus.
The various risk factors that cause the improper functioning of sphincter muscles are:Smoking (and possibly alcohol) remains the main cause. Hiatus hernia wherein a part of stomach moves above the diaphragm.  Obesity  Pregnancy.
Symptoms of GERD:
The more common symptom is heartburn or a painful burning sensation occurring in the chest region. Also the pain will be more while bending, lying down, eating and predominant in the night time. The other symptoms include nausea after eating, difficulty in swallowing, hiccups and change in voice.

Diagnosis and treatment:
An endoscopy technique named EGD is used to examine the esophagus and find the cause for the damage in it. The doctor inserts a thin tube which has a camera at the end into the mouth and passes it into the esophagus and stomach. In most people making some life style changes and avoiding foods that cause problem and eat the foods that will help in curing GERD.  Avoid antacids,  Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 blockers.  They just cause a lot of additional problems.  Care has to be taken to avoid taking medicines such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Natural Remedies

Acid reflux may not be considered a serious or severe condition, but this problem could cause a lot of discomforts and pain to those people who suffer from it. The pain can be irritating and it could last for a couple of minutes to hours. Here is a complete eating system to help you eliminate acid reflux fast.
Some of the most common treatments for acid reflux are natural home remedies because they are safe, plus they are readily available. If you experience acidic reflux, you can instantly get relief with the help of these natural remedies. They are also cheaper because they can be usually found inside your kitchen.

Here are some of the most common and effective treatment for heart burn:

• Apple cider vinegar solution- This natural treatment has been used by many acid reflux sufferers and they were able to find relief from this remedy. It may just have a strong taste, so you may add some sugar or honey when you make this solution. Simply add 3 tsp of cider vinegar with water.

• Peppermint or ginger tea- These herbal teas are also effective in treating heart burn problem. Drinking of warm herbal tea after meals is much recommended, which also aids in the proper digestion. You can feel instant alleviation after consuming the tea.

• Pineapple- Fresh pineapple fruit or pineapple juice can also help alleviate heart burn. Pineapple is rich in enzymes and antioxidants; therefore, it also helps in appropriate digestion.

• Drink lots of fluid- Aside from consuming healthy and natural remedies, it is also recommended to drink lots of water to help the body absorb substantial nutrients and eliminate food waste.

Also, check out this simple eating system to reduce your acid reflux.

Stomach Pain

Get rid of that stomach pain once and for all!

Acid reflux and heartburn can be a very unpleasant thing to have to live with. Many people with acid reflux experience stomach pain in the form of crippling crams for which they often feel that there is no cure. There is no reason why you should suffer with this excruciating pain. All you need to do is click this link and read this book and you will be able to find an effective and fast treatment to take away the pain altogether.

Many people who experience stomach pains find that they are not able to go about their everyday lives in a normal way. Their acid reflux is actually preventing them from living a normal life. If you are one of these sufferers and feel that you have tried everything, all you need to do is eat properly, and in no time at all, you will find that you are free of the agony that you have been experiencing all these years.

Think about it: you have been suffering for too long! Stomach pain may be preventing you from dieting as you cant exercise without the pains getting in the way or perhaps you feel that you cant go out for a dinner date with your partner because you know that the next Chinese restaurant you visit is likely to set off your acid reflux and heartburn again. Wouldn’t you like to go out and enjoy a meal with your partner or your friends without having to watch what you are eating all of the time? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a good night’s sleep without waking up in excruciating pain or with that horrible taste of acid in you mouth? Just click through to find out a about how to eat properly and avoid these problems. The perfect remedy that will not only give you a temporary relief from your pain, but you will be able to have a long term and effective cure for your agony.



Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach’s lining which is often caused by an infection. Pain reliever intake, alcohol and injuries can also result in this. Acute gastritis occurs in the body quickly while chronic gastritis develops gradually over time. It can progress into ulcers and stomach cancer.
Common symptoms of gastritis are nausea, feeling bloated after meals, burning pain in the upper abdomen, belching, loss of appetite, weight loss and vomiting.

To verify and diagnose gastritis, urinalysis, x-rays, an endoscopy, blood tests, stool sample test, gastroscopy, ECGs and a stomach biopsy may be performed.

Most cases of stomach irritation and indigestion don’t require medical care but if the symptoms persist for over a week, if you vomit blood and if there is blood in your stool, see a doctor immediately.
Gastritis develops when the stomach’s lining, which protects it from acids, gets damaged. This will cause inflammation.

Gastritis has several risk factors. People who are infected with Helicobacter pylori, which breaks down the protective lining of the stomach, can experience gastritis. Using pain relievers and other anti-inflammatory drugs regularly, like naproxen, ibuprofen and aspirin can cause both chronic and acute gastritis. Old age, stress and alcohol consumption increases the risk of gastritis. Bile reflux disease and other conditions like parasitic infections, Crohn’s disease and HIV/AIDS can lead to gastritis.

Gastritis can lead to abdominal bleeding and stomach ulcers if left
untreated. This can increase the risk of stomach cancer, too.

To help relieve gastritis, eat proper  small meals, drink less or no alcohol, avoid pain relievers that harm the stomach, manage stress and avoid foods that may irritate the stomach. This can include fried, fatty, acidic, refined and spicy foods and beverages. Calming and relaxing activities like tai chi, yoga and meditation can also help.
Treating gastritis will depend on its cause. Treatment of stomach acid is often included to alleviate the symptoms of gastritis.


Heartburn, which is also called acid indigestion or pyrosis, is typically a burning feeling in the chest behind the breastbone when acid from the stomach moves up into the esophagus.   It is usually worse when bending over or lying down. Most cases of heartburn are manageable with proper diet. However, if it is frequent, it may be a symptom of a more serious condition.


Symptoms include the above mentioned burning pain in the chest, often at night or after eating. If you experience heartburn more than two times a week, have difficulty swallowing,  if the chest pain occurs with difficulty breathing or pain in the arm or jaw, see a doctor immediately.


Foods and beverages that may trigger heartburn include black pepper, coffee, ketchup, onions, peppermint, tomato sauce, alcohol, chocolate, mustard, orange juice, soft drinks, vinegar, and fatty and fried foods.  It is important to learn how to eat properly.  Keep your weight down, avoid tight clothes, eat frequent small meals, elevate your head when reclining and stop smoking.


Heartburn symptoms are worsened by stress and anxiety. Try alternative treatments like light exercise, listening to music, relaxation techniques, aromatherapy, hypnosis and massage.  Heartburn can be caused by peptic ulcer, inflammation of the stomach lining or hiatal hernia. Heartburn may also be a symptom of angina or acute myocardial infarction.


When heartburn is frequent and disrupts your routine, it is called gastro esophageal reflux disease or GERD.


Treatment includes proper diet, medications and sometimes, surgery, since GERD can lead to complications.